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So many ways to join the RSAMCC!
4 ways to fill out your form and 3 ways to pay! 
members must renew their membership annually.
Our calendar year is June thru May.  

Website Submission
We encourage you to fill out our online membership form. This method insures less errors in our data input process. To do so, please click below, fill out the RSAMCC Membership Application and submit it.  It's easy for you and for us too!

Mail Submission
If you do not wish to join by our preferred online method, print out the PDF version of our membership form located below and print and mail it to us with payment at  RSAMCC Attn: Membership PO Box 8113 Huntsville AL 35808-0113.

Email Submission
Print out the PDF version of the form, scan it and email it to our Membership Chairperson at  You will need to pay by mail or at an event the month you join. 

In Person Submission
Join us for our Membership Kickoff at the Overlook on Redstone Arsenal August 13th. We will help you get signed up right there on the spot.  Or bring your printed and filled out form to any luncheon or RSAMCC event and turn into either membership, reservations or the event coordinator with your payment.

Payment of Annual Dues
 Payment of either your $3
5 individual membership payment or your $50 couples membership can be made one of 3 ways.

 Pay online via the membership form submission process thru PayPal. You do not need a PayPal account to use this method, just a credit card.

Send a check (with the memo membership & the name of the member if different than what is on the check) by mail to RSAMCC Attn: Membership PO Box 8113 Huntsville AL 35808-0113 

In Person
Pay either at the welcome event or at an RSAMCC luncheon or other event when you check in.  Check, cash or credit card via PayPal.
RSAMCC is pleased to offer Gold Star Spouses and Parents Honorary Membership in the RSAMCC free of charge however we still need a submitted membership form.

Redstone Arsenal Military and Civilians’ Club (RSAMCC) is a private not-for-profit 501(c)(4) service organization. 
RSAMCC is not affiliated with the U.S. Army or Redstone Arsenal.

RSAMCC    Designed by A Welcome Site

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